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Rapidshare.com ?Sebastien a écrit:J'ai mappé la carte de Wim Van Utrecht sur Google Earth et mis en évidence la raffinerie en question. Qu'est-ce que vous utilisez pour partager un fichier en ligne?
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Je viens de recevoir un e-mail de Wim. J'ai demandé si je pouvais partager certaines informations qu'il a apportées (en plus des suivantes) en nous lisant.Sebastien a écrit:Very interesting theory that we'll have to dig a little bit. The linked image isn't visible in the text of Wim. Here it is I think: http://www.caelestia.be/reflections/reflections-fig1.jpg
Wim m'a également fait part de cette vidéo. Il s'agit d'un L.P. qui fut causé par un feu et l'explosion d'un pipe-line... Very Rare and impressive (vertical again).On January 7, 2007, an equipment malfunction triggered an emergency flaring at the Dutch manufacturing company of Dow Chemical in Terneuzen. The huge flame that accompanied the excessive gas emission produced a bright reflection that stirred commotion in the provinces of Zeeland (the Netherlands) and Oost-Vlaanderen (Belgium). Inspired by witnesses who believed that the second coming of Christ was at hand, newspapers and television stations spoke of the return of the Star of Bethlehem. Fortunately, members of the Philippus Langsbergen Observatory in Middelburg were interviewed as well. Since they were acquainted with the phenomenon of gas-flame reflections, their explanations helped put matters to rest.
The picture above was taken by a member of the observatory and published the next day by the local newspaper Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant and de national paper De Telegraaf. See next images for three more pictures of this same reflection taken by other amateur astronomers.
"It come down almost to the treetops, and then it went back up and went to the right of us."sentry579 a écrit:Also, a video slideshow of Vickie's NUFORC call:
Sentry579 a écrit:Wim van Utrecht has kindly allowed me to publish a revised version of his unpublished 2002 Cash-Landrum examination: http://www.blueblurrylines.com/2013/11/cash-landrum-theory-analysis.html
About this measurements you mention. These are from the Schuessler & Holt trip to the scene with Vickie & Colby on Feb. 28, 1981 to the road. Not the exact spot as revealed in TDH documents. I have doubts about how closely she could determine the distance of the bright object from the car. At the scene, Vickie described events and measurements were taken of the estimated distance. These measurements were circulated and the witnesses began using them instead of their own words to describe the case. Since Holt, an engineer, was present, I do place some trust in these estimates.nablator a écrit:[ From the Bergstrom Interview, 60 to 80 feet above and 130 feet distance ...
Sure. Competent investigators would have taken measurements of angles, not distances that are wildly inaccurate. It doesn't matter if the distances are right or not, I'm just looking for an estimation of the minimum (angular) altitude of the center of the apparition. Let's say not less than about 30°. Then I'll have to remember how to calculate the altitude of the hypothetical ice crystals layer from surface temperature, dew point, etc. that are not precisely known. We only have records from the Houston airport.sentry579 a écrit:I have doubts about how closely she could determine the distance of the bright object from the car.
Where did you get this from?The adult witnesses originally were not able to tell if they were seeing helicopters or airplanes, which would seem to indicate they were distant.
This tape is also transcribed in Schuessler's book, page 39.http://www.theblackvault.com/encyclopedia/documents/MUFON/Journals/1983/September_1983.pdf a écrit:Tape Recording Made At Parkway
Hospital On 1 February 1981
(Approx.), and Furnished To Bill
English at APRO
Betty said, after getting back into
the car at the initial sighting scene, that
the object went up into the sky, and
"but there was a quite a few helicopters
circling around. I don't know whether
they were trying to get around it or up
closer to it or what, to see maybe what it
Betty said, when they stopped on
the Huffman-Crosby road, "but at this
time I counted 23 helicopters, around
and about the object. They were far
away but yet they were low enough and
we set there and watched them 'till they
got over the car because I wanted to
make sure if it was airplanes or if it was
helicopters, which it was helicopters. I
counted 23 of them. I don't know what
color they were, I can't say. But I do
know that they had a double deal on the
top, propeller-like thing. And I could
hear 'em just as plain as if they were
right ready to land...."
Dernière édition par sentry579 le 27/11/13, 03:17 pm, édité 1 fois (Raison : addition)
If sourced, and in the "first" interviewes, that's realy interesting imho... EDIT: you provided an excerpt (our comments crossing^^).**The adult witnesses originally were not able to tell if they were seeing helicopters or airplanes, which would seem to indicate they were distant.
source: http://www.skepdic.com/retfalse.html
D. H. Rawcliffe coined this term to refer to the process of telling a story that is factual to some extent, but which gets distorted and falsified over time by retelling it with embellishments. The embellishments may include speculations, conflating events that occurred at different times or in different places, and the incorporation of material without regard for accuracy or plausibility. The overriding force that drives the story is to find or invent details that fit with a desired outcome. The process can be conscious or unconscious. The original story gets remodeled with favorable points being emphasized and unfavorable ones being dropped. The distorted and false version becomes a memory and record of a remarkable tale. [...] The term is used in psychology to describe the process of creating false memories by selecting and reshaping incidents from the past to fit present needs. Retrospective falsification occurs in most, if not all, people and is generally an unconscious process.
All right, but Betty did state unambiguously that she recognized helicopters as soon as she had a good look "over the car". You made it sound as if the witnesses were unsure if they were seeing helicopters or airplanes. If "originally" means before they came "over the car", I agree.sentry579 a écrit:This tape is also transcribed in Schuessler's book, page 39.
Yes...sentry579 a écrit:It could be that JS felt that weakened the story by having the copters so near the city- just speculating.
Je ne suis pas d'accord sur ce point qui pose problème (avec le point 6 de la carte) . Les piliers de lumière sont visibles sous divers angles (hauteurs) et diverses positions autour de la source (puisque les cristaux sont horizontaux) => témoins nombreux. D'autant plus que la distance d'observation peut être à plusieurs dizaines de km de la source (comme le dit Wim V.Utrecht) !If I'm correct, LP may be seen by individuals, but not by others, depending the point(s) of location they are situated. It could explain why not so much other witnesses saw it.
Hello Marcassite,marcassite a écrit:Je ne suis pas d'accord sur ce point qui pose problème (avec le point 6 de la carte) . Les piliers de lumière sont visibles sous divers angles (hauteurs) et diverses positions autour de la source (puisque les cristaux sont horizontaux) => témoins nombreux.If I'm correct, LP may be seen by individuals, but not by others, depending the point(s) of location they are situated. It could explain why not so much other witnesses saw it.
Only crystals on a column roughly midway between the light and the observer give a reflection into the eye because the small crystal mirrors are nearly horizontal and the incident and reflected rays must make equal angles to the crystal faces.
Ce serait étonnant que les cristaux de glace ne se forment qu'à un endroit précis. Les conditions météorologiques varient très peu sur quelques km.Gilles F. a écrit:Faudrait voir avec un spécialiste (que je ne suis pas), mais j'aurais tendance à maintenir ce que j'ai écrit.
Ainsi soit-il. Tu en connais un ?Faudrait voir avec un spécialiste.
Yesterday and days before, I tried to consult online area "newspapers" archives in order to see if a conflagration, oil refineries technical problem, etc. have been recorded in time and place of the sighting.Pour Nab, ne pas chercher qu'un incendie de raffinerie mais un incident technique qui impliquerait un gros lâcher à la torchère d'une raffinerie (ou d'un terminal gazier portuaire).
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