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Morris Jessup et Valentine.

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1Morris Jessup et Valentine. Empty Morris Jessup et Valentine. 04/02/14, 03:22 am

PhD Smith

PhD Smith

En regardant une nouvelle émission sur la chaîne "Discovery" , "Expériences interdites", un épisode de la série parle de Morris Jessup et de son implication dans "l'expérience de Philadelphie", avec Carl Allen , qui a inventé toute l'histoire. Jessup est mort en Floride où il avait rendez-vous avec un certain doc. Manson Valentine. Est-ce le même qui a trouvé les routes de Bimini ? Oui, d'après Childress:

Morris Jessup et Valentine. BraseroPraedicator veredicus, inquisitor intrepidus, doctor egregiusMorris Jessup et Valentine. Brasero

2Morris Jessup et Valentine. Empty Re: Morris Jessup et Valentine. 06/02/14, 08:34 am



Est-ce le même qui a trouvé les routes de Bimini

These guys do not have a clue what they are talking about. The alleged Bimini road is nothing more than beachrock which may be found in many tropical or subtropical regions of Earth.

While I have often dived in the Bahamas, including in Bimini, only beachrock may be found as per hereunder ( wikipedia)

Beachrocks are located along the coastline in a parallel term and they are usually a few meters offshore. They are generally separated in several levels which may correspond to different generations of beachrock cementation. Thus, the older zones are located in the outer part of the formation when the younger ones are on the side of the beach, possibly under the unconsolidated sand. They also seem to have a general inclination to the sea (50 – 150). There are several appearances of beachrock formations which are characterized by multiple cracks and gaps. The result from this fact is an interruptible formation of separated blocks of beachrock, which may be of the same formation.
The length of beachrocks varies from meters to kilometers, its width can reach up to 300 meters and its height starts from 30 cm and reaches 3 meters.
Following the process of coastal erosion, beachrock formation may be uncovered. Coastal erosion may be the result of sea level rise or deficit in sedimentary equilibrium. One way or another, unconsolidated sand that covers the beachrock draws away and the formation is revealed. If the process of cementation continues, new beachrock would be formed in a new position in the intertidal zone. Successive phases of sea level change may result in sequential zones of beachrock.

Add to that the largest US Navy base situated only a few nauutical miles away on and around Andros Island, then once again conspiracy freaks are at it again claiming whatever crazy theory ranging from Devils triangle to underwater UFO bases.

3Morris Jessup et Valentine. Empty Re: Morris Jessup et Valentine. 06/02/14, 08:52 am




4Morris Jessup et Valentine. Empty Re: Morris Jessup et Valentine. 06/02/14, 02:12 pm

PhD Smith

PhD Smith

Aucun doute, le Valentine qui a fréquenté Jessup en Floride est bien le découvreur de la chaussée de Bimini:
Wikipedia a écrit:On September 2, 1968, while diving in three fathoms (5.5 metres) of water off the northwest coast of North Bimini island, J. Manson Valentine, Jacques Mayol and Robert Angove encountered an extensive "pavement" of what later was found to be noticeably rounded stones of varying size and thickness. This stone pavement was found to form a northeast-southwest linear feature, which is most commonly known as either the "Bimini Road" or "Bimini Wall". After Valentine, the Bimini Road has been visited and examined by geologists, avocational archaeologists, professional archaeologists, anthropologists, marine engineers, innumerable divers, and many other people. In addition to the Bimini Road, investigators have found two additional "pavement-like" linear features that lie parallel to and shoreward of the Bimini Wall.

Morris Jessup et Valentine. BraseroPraedicator veredicus, inquisitor intrepidus, doctor egregiusMorris Jessup et Valentine. Brasero

5Morris Jessup et Valentine. Empty Re: Morris Jessup et Valentine. 06/02/14, 05:24 pm

PhD Smith

PhD Smith

Correction: le livre "Anti-Gravity and the World Grid" est un livre collectif dont l'éditeur principal est Childress. La partie concernant Jessup et Valentine et l'expérience de Philadelphie sont l'œuvre d'Harry Osoff et Bruce Cathie.


Morris Jessup et Valentine. BraseroPraedicator veredicus, inquisitor intrepidus, doctor egregiusMorris Jessup et Valentine. Brasero

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