Copie du message (avec l'autorisation de l'auteur).
Enfin ça bouge et va dans le sens que je souhaitais.
Prenez connaissance :
Enfin ça bouge et va dans le sens que je souhaitais.
Prenez connaissance :
Hi Gilles and everyone,
I thought that the recipients of the email from Gilles Durand last year might be interested in some work I have been doing in the last three or four weeks with various groups and researchers (including some liaison with Gilles Durand and SCEAU) in relation to getting permission to upload scans of various French magazines/newsletters.
I hope to get permission to upload more scans this week. For example, I am hoping to get permission to upload Ouranos today/tomorrow.
Gilles Durand has kindly provided scans of some of the publications below. Patrice Seray, Pierre Lagrange, Didier Gomez the AFU have provided other scans. (Further brief credits below).
Yves Bosson has kindly given permission for "AESV" to be shared online (with thanks to Bruno Mancusi liaising with him about my permission request). The AFU has scanned this week the issues ofAESV in its archives, i.e. issues 6 to 17. Searchable copies of those scans are at the link below.
Scans of issues 1 to 5 are still needed.
Bernard Bernard of CERPA has granted me permission to upload "AMA". Gilles Durand of SCEAU has helpfully provided scans of issues 1, 3, 6, and 8.
Issues 2, 4, 5, and 7 are currently still needed.
Yves Bosson has kindly given permission for me to share "Anomalies" online (with thanks to Bruno Mancusi liaising with him about my permission request). Pierre Lagrange provided scans of all 5 issues.
Frantz Crebely of SVEPS has given his permission for me to upload "Approche" (with thanks to Edoardo Russo and Jerome Beau for their help liaising with Frantz Crebely). Patrice Seray provided the scans of this publication.
Frontieres de la Science:
Patrice Seray has kindly given permission for issues of this publication to be shared online. He has also provided scans of issues 1 and 4.
We currently still need issues 2 and 3.
Bernard Bernard of CERPA has granted me permission to upload "Info CERPA". Gilles Durand of SCEAU has helpfully provided scans of this publication.
Insolite (Macon):
Francois Breuil has given permission for me to upload scans Insolite (Macon). Patrice Seray in France has kindly provided me with scans of issues 1 to 12. I understand that there were also issues 13 and 14.
Ovni Presence:
Yves Bosson has kindly given permission for me to share "Ovni Presence" online (with thanks to Bruno Mancusi liaising with him about my permission request). Pierre Lagrange provided scans of all 5 issues.
Didier Gomez has given permission for me to upload scans of "UFOmania". Patrice Seray and Didier Gomez have provided me with scans of issues 41 to 81. I still need to obtain scans of issues 1 to 40. I can ask the AFU to scan some of those earlier issues, but I understand from SCEAU's spreadsheet that some of those issues have already been scanned by
Univers Ovni (CERPA):
Bernard Bernard of CERPA has granted me permission to upload "Univers Ovni". Gilles Durand of SCEAU has helpfully provided scans of issues 1 and 2 (which I understand is a complete set).
I continue to desire to work more closely with SCEAU and others in France. I think we can move faster and further together - and avoid some reinvention of the wheel.
All the best,
Isaac Koi
P.S. For the benefit of those that do not know me, I should probably include a brief introduction of myself. I'll paste below (in French) a Google Translate translation of my introduction.
Je suis avocat en Angleterre et je suis intéressé par les questions relatives aux "OVNIS". J'ai aidé à mettre à disposition en ligne environ 80 séries de périodiques / lettres d'information sur les ovnis, ainsi que des documents officiels et d'autres documents. J'ai déjà contribué à la mise en ligne en format PDF consultable des documents officiels sur les OVNIS du FBI, du Canada (avec la permission du gouvernement canadien), de l'Australie (avec la permission du gouvernement australien), de la Grande-Bretagne et de la Nouvelle-Zélande. J'ai également aidé à mettre à disposition gratuitement en ligne un certain nombre de publications sur les OVNIS consultables en format PDF consultable après avoir obtenu les autorisations nécessaires (comme les bulletins d'information du célèbre sceptique OVNI Phil Klass, les bulletins UFO Potpourri de John Schuessler et plusieurs bulletins de Rick). Hilberg, "Saucer Scoop" - plus environ 80 autres séries de périodiques sur les OVNIS après avoir obtenu les autorisations nécessaires. Voici quelques liens vers des échantillons de mes articles précédents en ligne:
Si cela vous aide à répondre favorablement à cette demande, je mentionnerai simplement que les personnes suivantes au sein de la communauté des OVNIS ont maintenant gentiment approuvé la brève déclaration suivante que j'ai rédigée pour obtenir plus de coopération / autorisations Jenny Randles, Kevin Randle, Dr Hal Puthoff, Dr Eric Davis, Dr Kit Green, Jim Semivan (of TTSA), Dr Norm Kahn (of TTSA), Bruce Maccabee, Rick Hilberg, Jan Aldrich, Barry Greenwood, Mark Rodeghier (of CUFOS), Frank Warren, Tim Printy, Jim Oberg, Robert Sheaffer, Lance Moody, Chris Rutkowski, Christopher O'Brien, Edoardo Russo (of Italy's CISU), Dick Haines (of NARCAP), John Schuessler (of MUFON), James Carrion (formerly of MUFON), Tony Eccles (of BUFORA), Dr David Clarke, Paul Dean, Keith Basterfield, Mark Allin (co-owner of, Jacques Scornaux (of France's SCEAU-Archives OVNI) et Mikhail Gershtein de Russie: