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Temoignage PAN PAN d'un Officier de Marine...une bataille navale US Navy vs UFO

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Ce témoignage provenant d'un commandant de Destroyer de la US Navy, un surhomme aux réflexes aguerris, avec une vision visuelle visible de ses yeux de 25/10, une ouïe oreillante fine, des pieds palmés, cette histoire de témoignage de RR du 999 éme type selon la classification des râpés ufologluques, il est impensable qu'il s'agisse d'une mesinterpretation dubitativement indubitable.

Et certains le pensent.....



Superman a écrit:Et certains le pensent.....
Ouiii ?
Mézencore ?




nablator a écrit:
Superman a écrit:Et certains le pensent.....
Ouiii ?
Mézencore ?

A commencer par. Carl Feindt, ancien Directeur Mufon Maryland me semble t il?

D'ou la legion d'autres directeurs d'états aux USA,
Y inclut certains des moins gradés du Mufon qui abreuvent certains sites Français:

Ex: https://investigationsoanisetoceanographiee.wordpress.com/liens-sites-amis/

Ken pfeifer du Mufon New Jersey abreuve un peu ce site et l'on y lit de nombreux posts du fromage râpé ufologluque....

Dernière édition par Superman le Mar 14 Oct 2014, 19:03, édité 1 fois



"Stressing anonymity for the ship and crew, the exec and captain's wishes for confidentiality have been honored."

Donc incident invérifiable, dommage.

La bataille de Dulce c'est bien aussi comme histoire.

Ou la bataille US NAVY/UFO en Antarctique (1946).

je sors




Voici un témoignage OANI bidon, effectué par moi même puis enoyé à Carl Feindt, suite auquel il a souligné en jaune ce qui lui paraissait important,
Puis mis en ligne sur son site réservé aux observations OANIs:

A la suite de ceci, carl feindt a recommandé à james carrion puis john schluessler que je sois nommé représentant en France du "modération" US:


Note – I received a phone call from the witness in France on December 02, 2008, at approximately 6:30 p.m. He had problems getting through to me from my website and decided to phone. He gave me his e-mail address and the text of his e-mail follows. All brackets that have “deleted” in them are for confidentiality.-CF-      
Dear Mr. Feindt,
Thank you for taking time for our short international phone call.        

My personal experience is as follows:

While cruising on a yacht in Norman’s Cay, Exumas, Bahamas, in May of 1989, we were at anchor close to the famous crashed DC-3 (check on the net)1 protected from the high seas in a pass between different atolls where we were to join [nationality – deleted] friends. Present were the ship’s owner, his sister and his skipper, an ex U.S. Navy frigate captain, retired and now captain on yachts for the fun of it, and myself visiting from France. [Our] aim was to join these family friends and to go and party!        

Yacht [ship’s name – deleted] is a 75 foot Bertram, a real easy seagoing yacht, great and secure and comfortable. We left from Nassau in the morning and arrived in Norman’s Cay around 5 p.m., nice conditions, no wind, sunny, and we had crossed a few other vessels which we had communicated with on VHF channels.

On arrival at anchorage, it was about sunset (5 or 6 p.m.). We were about a hundred meters inside a lagoon and about 150 feet from open seas, protected from large [waves] by a coral barrier. Only this crashed DC-3 was a landmark for the spot. We were about to call these friends, owners of one of the atoll islands as light grew dark. Surprisingly the VHF radio didn’t work so the skipper went to the fly bridge to check antennae and suddenly yelled, "what the hell are those?" and as he said that, electricity broke down for the duration of the observation about half an hour.      

We all ran to follow him and see what was taking his attention and we saw something absolutely bizarre: four or five lights were cruising at incredible velocity seemingly underwater. The water depth here from my remembrance was quite shallow, a couple tens of feet maximum, as I recall, crystal clear light blue color even as we were closing to Norman’s Cay. So these things were going at a velocity of what the skipper estimated at some 150 knots (172.6 MPH) without leaving any surface quake but a luminescent orangy glow after their passage.        

The lights, four or five, were of a glowingly bright yellowish color. They seemed to be of about a few feet in diameter but I am not sure as [this] is an old memory. What I do recall is that they reminded me of a hive of five bees, moving erratically between themselves, each independent but seemingly like a ballet. Lights seemed immaterial and would cruise doing sharp angles at full speed, NO NOISE whatsoever, just that funny orangey glow as they’d pass rapidly. Sometimes they were at a distance and at other times, one of the lights came as close as the barrier reef separating us from the open sea, some thirty meters away!      

We didn’t speak but a few words, just hypnotized by this out-of-worldly event and "ballet." Sun was down, lights still off, and at one time I recall one of us asking the skipper if he had any clue what this was, and he must have answered this was nothing he’d ever met, not in his naval days when he’d been around top-secret operations around the Caribbean seas with U.S. Naval operations, or even anything human as the velocity was faster than anything built by man he’d known. Something around those lines.          

At a point in time, all lights came together as one underwater and stopped shining or even being light; full darkness brought us back to reality.  

No noise either from these machines or in the distance as we were in a very remote location. The orange glow was concentrated at the area the lights seemed to have come together which enabled us to see a metallic object leave the water and hover at about 3 to 5 meters. We heard water dripping in masses and from a height. The glow was disappearing but stayed luminescent about thirty seconds after the lights passed then and on the previous half hour.            

Then this metallic object just shot up and was gone in the blink of an eye! I do not recall the direction. Just gone in seconds with no noise and no lights.  

As soon as object was gone, electricity and VHF were back on, and we were able to reach the friends’ place.  

Strangely, we hardly spoke of this event between us as it was a disturbing thought to us all as so different an experience from our everyday life.      

I had no camera in those days to take a photograph during the trip and do regret that. Attachment is a photo of [ship’s name – deleted] with me at the bow in the blue Hawaiian shirt.            

Concerning stories of water-UFO-related cases are the following: I am in touch with many captains of yachts cruising throughout the world. I have also given them an example from your website (Thor Heyerdahl’s world-famous "modéré"-Tiki) and a link to your website and to your email should they decide to speak out anonymously.          

You’ll also understand from another attachment the reason [Name – deleted] doesn’t want to put his name forward as he is a notorious businessman.                                                                  
This reference: Phone and e-mail conversation between the witness and Carl Feindt on December 02, 2008.    

Note 1: DC-3 pictures: http://bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/showflat.php?Number=481885

UFOCAT PRN – NONE            

North America – The Bahamas
Nassau            Latitude 25-02-00 N, Longitude 77-17-00 W (D-M-S) [Populated place]
Norman’s Cay  Latitude 24-38-00 N, Longitude 76-49-00 W (D-M-S) [Island]
Exumas            Latitude 24-15-00 N, Longitude 76-30-00 W [Islands]
Reference: http://earth-info.nga.mil/gns/html/


Histoire inventée de toutes pieces en y incluant des aspects trouves dans des temoignages usuels, puis en choisissant un lieu géographique connu comme le fond de ma poche





Ah bravo ! C'est du joli !

NAVY - Temoignage PAN PAN d'un Officier de Marine...une bataille navale US Navy vs UFO 969947




Bah! Je t'ai fais la même version véliplanchiste Calédonien, autre lieu que je connais comme le fond de ma poche posté sur le groupe UFO and Paranormal sur Linkedin.

Contrairement au cas que j'au pu recevoir de témoignages supposés à travers le globe transmise chaque fois au CISU Italia qui effectuait la prise en main du temoignage AVEC un suivi decdemandes de détails sur le témoignages, ou alternativement des cas de témoins Français ayant observés un phénomène à l'étranger, avec transmission cas au CISU ou Geipan / Passot, leurs remarques et conclusions puis les confronter, ou enfin des cas " objets apparaissant sur photos" sur le site du Mufon USA pour des pays ertangers hirs France pour lequel vicente balester olmos et elevenaugust (l'excellent IPACO) donnaient leurs conclusions devenant celles officielles du site Mufon USA, je n'ai jamais fait confiance aux investigations des enqueteurs Mufon USA trop impliqués dans leurs croyances HET/abductions.....

Seul le Geipan en France et le Cisu Italia disposent ( avec Euroufo) selon mon point de vue de methodologies les meilleures au monde, et les plus objectives en terme d'approche enquête sous tous les angles.

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