Gilles F. a écrit:b) Comment Irving explique-t-il que l'Anchorage ARTC n'a aucune confirmation/corroboration radar ?
Quelques précisions :
Dans le rapport de la FAA, dans une lettre de l'Air Traffic Manager, Anchorage ARTCC, p. 40 :
Radar Data Recorded by Anchorage center does not confirm the presence of the traffic reported by flight 1628.
et p. 42 :
A subsequent review of ANC ARTCC's radar tracking data failed to confirm any targets in close proximity tto JL1628.
Explications dans l'article de l'Associated Press "FAA investigates JAL Flight 1628 UFO Sighting" :
The FAA in Anchorage and the military in Alaska use the same long-range radar in Fairbanks, Steucke said. The FAA also uses sophisticated computer systems to screen clutter before it reaches radar screens, he said.
The military in Alaska does not use such computers, he said. "The military decided about a minute into this exercise that what it was seeing was clutter," he said. The Air Force did not send up an interceptor and is not investigating the matter, Steucke said. At the FAA center in Anchorage, controllers following the flight noted occasional second blips, or "split targets," on the screen near Flight 1628, Steucke said.
"That happens when the transponder aboard the aircraft is not electronically in sync with radar bouncing off the plane," he said. "We get an intermittent blip every three sweeps of the radar screen. It's not unusual. It has happened and it does happen.
"It was what I call coincidence that the split image happened to fall at the right distance and the same side of the aircraft that the object was reported by the pilot."
B. S. Maccabee, qui a étudié l'ensemble des données (dont les enregistrements radar) a écrit :
"The failure of the radar to show a continuous track of some unknown primary target makes the radar confirmation ambiguous at best."
d) Pareillement, je n'ai jamais entendu les versions de l'équipage, autre que celle de Terauchi.
Terauchi s'est-il vu corroboré/confirmé par un seul (juste un seul) de ses propres membres d'équipage ?
En partie (pas de soucoupes volantes dans leur témoignages). Ca viendrait d'interviews de janvier 1987 de Takanori Tamefuji et Yoshio Tsukuba selon
e) Je ne connais aucun cas dans les jours ou semaines de celui-ci. Vous en avez à fournir ici ?
Deux mois et demi après, 30 et 31 janvier 1987.
Source = History Channel ? :(joker):
D'ailleurs le capt. Terauchi les a vu aussi ces lumières, le 11 janvier 1987, mais pas les soucoupes cette fois :
Mais le meilleur c'est l'exploitation du "cover up" allégué par John Callahan.