Le lendemain de l'observation de Kenneth Arnold parait un court article dans l'East Oregonian (Pendleton) du 25 juin 1947 :
Une dépêche est envoyée à l'Associated Press (traduction de Pierre Lagrange) :
The Chicago Sun - June 26, 1947
Même texte, titres et sous-titres différents dans :
The Lewiston Daily Sun (Lewiston, ME) - June 26, 1947
US Forester estimated Speed of Saucer-Like Objects at 1200 MPH
The Frederick Post (Frederick County MD) - June 26, 1947
Mysterious Object In Sky Still Unexplained
Nine Bright, Saucer-Like Speedsters Clocked at 1,200 M.P.H., Pilot Reports
The Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA) - June 26, 1947
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2009/04/18/720521/-Saturday-Night-Uforia-It-seems-impossible-but-there-it-is-RepostImpossible! Maybe, But Seein' Is Believin', Says Flier
Kenneth Arnold, with the fire control at Boise and who was flying in southern Washington yesterday afternoon in search of a missing marine plane, stopped here en route to Boise today with an unusual story -- which he doesn't expect people to believe but which he declared was true. He said he sighted nine saucer-like aircraft flying in formation at 3. p.m. yesterday, extremely bright -- as if they were nickel plated -- and flying at an immense rate of speed. He estimated they were at an altitude between 9,500 and 10,000 feet and clocked them from Mt. Rainier to Mt. Adams, arriving at the amazing speed of about 1200 miles an hour. "It seemed impossible," he said, "but there it is -- I must believe my eyes."
He landed at Yakima somewhat later and inquired there, but learned nothing. Talking about it to a man from Ukiah in Pendleton this morning whose name he did not get, he was amazed to learn that the man had sighted the same aerial objects yesterday afternoon from the mountains in the Ukiah section! He said that in flight they appeared to weave in and out in formation.
Une dépêche est envoyée à l'Associated Press (traduction de Pierre Lagrange) :
Elle est publiée sous divers titres. Par exemple :Pendleton, Ore., 25 juin (AP) - Kenneth Arnold, un pilote de Boise dans l'Idaho, a rapporté aujourd'hui même avoir observé neuf objets brillants en forme de soucoupes qui volaient à une vitesse « incroyable » et à une altitude de 10 000 pieds ; il dit n'avoir aucune idée de ce dont il pouvait s'agir.
Arnold, un employé des services forestiers des États-Unis qui avait pris part à la recherche d'un avion disparu, dit qu'il a observé les mystérieux objets hier à 15 heures. Ils volaient, déclara-t-il, entre le mont Rainier et le mont Adams, dans l'État de Washington, et semblaient sortir alternativement de leur formation. Arnold dit les avoir chronométrés et avoir estimé leur vitesse à 1 200 miles à l'heure.
Des recherches effectuées à Yakima la nuit dernière n'ont rien donné, dit-il, mais il a ajouté s'être entretenu aujourd'hui avec un homme de l'Utah, au sud d'ici, qui déclare avoir vu hier des objets similaires au-dessus des montagnes aux alentours de Ukiah. « Cela peut paraître impossible, a déclaré Arnold, mais c'est ainsi. »
The Chicago Sun - June 26, 1947
Supersonic Flying Saucers Sighted by Idaho Pilot
Speed Estimated at 1200 Miles an Hour When Seen 10,000 Feet Up Near Mt Rainier
Nine bright, saucer-like objects flying at "incredible" speed at 10,000 feet altitude were reported here Wednesday by Kenneth Arnold, Boise (Idaho) pilot, who said he could not hazard a guess as to what they were.
Arnold, a U.S. forest service employee searching for a missing plane, said he sighted the mystery craft yesterday at 1 p.m. They were flying between Mount Rainier and Mount Adams, in Washington State, he said, and appeared to wave in and out of formation. Arnold said he clocked them and estimated their speed at 1,200 miles an hour.
Inquiries at Yakima last night brought only blank stares, he said, but he added he talked today with an unidentified man from Ukiah, south of here, who said he had seen similar objects over the mountains near Ukiah yesterday.
"It seems impossible," Arnold said, "but there it is."
Même texte, titres et sous-titres différents dans :
The Lewiston Daily Sun (Lewiston, ME) - June 26, 1947
US Forester estimated Speed of Saucer-Like Objects at 1200 MPH
The Frederick Post (Frederick County MD) - June 26, 1947
Mysterious Object In Sky Still Unexplained
Nine Bright, Saucer-Like Speedsters Clocked at 1,200 M.P.H., Pilot Reports
The Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA) - June 26, 1947
Dernière édition par nablator le 26/06/13, 10:23 am, édité 2 fois