PhD Smith a écrit:L'épisode en question:
Dans l'épisode l'UFO officer est un lieutenant (à 15:25) ... il aurait eu des pouvoirs étendus de décision selon Chuck Sorrels :
These events happened over at least a four-hour timeframe. In those days, every base had what they called a UFO officer—an unidentified flying object officer. We had one, and he was the guy that actually gave the order to take a look at this thing. The Air Defense Director for the Los Angeles defense sector and the radar controllers wanted to take a look at it, but they had to get his say-so before they could go ahead and do it legally.
Testimony of Sgt. Chuck Sorrells, US Air Force (ret.) December 2000 Source : Disclosure Project
Selon Wikipédia :
Each U.S. Air Force Base had a Blue Book officer to collect UFO reports and forward them to Ruppelt.[7]
Hmmmm... la note [7] est le livre
Out There d'Howard Blum où on trouve seulement "Blue Book officers had been assigned to every Air Force base in the nation." sans période définie ni autres détails croustillants. Je pense qu'il y a une confusion entre Blue Book officer = un officier de l'équipe Blue Book et l'officier en charge des rapports d'ovnis d'une AFB.
Il n'y a jamais eu de poste d'"UFO officer" défini officiellement par les
regulations de l'Air Force durant l'ère Blue Book. Les AFR qui définissent le programme OVNI de l'Air Force spécifient seulement la responsabilité de l'enquête :
AFR 200-2, 1954
b. Investigation. Air Defense Command will conduct all field investigations within the ZI, to determine the identity of any UFOB.
AFR 80-17 (Replaced AFR 200-2 in September 1966)
c. Investigation. Each commander of an Air Force Base will provide a UFO investigative capability. When notice of a UFO sighting is received, an investigation will be implemented to determine if the stimulus for the sighting. An Air Force base receiving the notice of a UFO sighting may not be the base nearest the locale of the sighting. In that event, the reported UFO sighting will be referred to the Air Force base nearest the sighting for action.
Le mémo Bolender de 1969 explique que pour répondre à l'AFR 80-17 la plupart des commandants de bases ont nommé un enquêteur OVNI, habituellement comme une fonction supplémentaire :
Procedures for Project Blue Book reporting are defined in Air Force Regulation 80-17. This regulation requires the Commander of an Air Force base to provide a UFO investigative capability and for Air Force Systems Command to continue Project Blue Book (Atch 4). In response to this regulation most Commanders have appointed a UFO investigating officer, usually as an additional duty.