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» Non JPP n'est pas mort! Non !
Message international de la NASA EmptyHier à 10:57 pm par PhD Smith

» A propos de pseudo-sciences !
Message international de la NASA Empty03/12/24, 01:55 pm par Patrice

» Les balivernes de Luis Elizondo (again…)
Message international de la NASA Empty21/11/24, 11:34 pm par klingon

» AARO – Rapport UAP 2024 en Français !
Message international de la NASA Empty20/11/24, 11:14 pm par klingon

» Pas de bobards pour Agobard!
Message international de la NASA Empty19/11/24, 08:47 am par oncle dom

» Jon Kosloski – Table ronde médiatique rapport 2024
Message international de la NASA Empty16/11/24, 12:55 am par klingon

» L'affaire DEWILDE - Quarouble
Message international de la NASA Empty16/11/24, 12:10 am par PhD Smith

» Reconstitution de la machine d'Anticythère
Message international de la NASA Empty14/11/24, 06:13 pm par PhD Smith

» OVNI : Le soufflet est retombé
Message international de la NASA Empty14/11/24, 09:22 am par klingon

» Glozel a 100 ans en 2024.
Message international de la NASA Empty12/11/24, 11:40 pm par PhD Smith

» Hopkinsville et ses goblins de l'espace
Message international de la NASA Empty11/11/24, 03:25 pm par DAR

» GEIPAN : missions, méthodes et résultats
Message international de la NASA Empty08/11/24, 05:47 pm par Patrice

» PAN A - PIAN-MEDOC (LE) (33) 18.06.2019
Message international de la NASA Empty07/11/24, 01:06 am par marcassite

» Analyse du cas Júlio Guerra / Ota / Alenquer du 2 novembre 1982 - "Encerclé par un OVNI"
Message international de la NASA Empty04/11/24, 06:39 pm par PhD Smith

» "Les Georgia Guidestones" ("Stonehenge américain") sont détruites.
Message international de la NASA Empty25/10/24, 12:03 am par PhD Smith

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From Kim Orr of the JPL Education Office. Please share information about this campaign with any interested parties...

As part of the 45th anniversary of the moon landing, JPL Education has launched a new social media campaign aimed at collecting stories about what inspires today's aspiring scientists and engineers.

We've created a web page where we're collecting stories (short video clips and written stories) from JPL interns about what they were inspired by, here: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/education/index.cfm?page=409

And, through social media, we're asking the public to share the moments in space exploration history that inspire them, using the hashtag #InspiredBy. I've created a number of shareables (attached) to go along with the call for stories from the public and to tie to various news events happening throughout the summer.

We launched the campaign today in conjunction with NASA's #NextGiantLeap events and will continue to collect student stories and post the #InspiredBy shareables throughout the summer.

We would love to get as much participation as possible, so please promote if you can from your channels. And we would also love to hear your personal #InspiredBy stories, so please join the fun and post them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Thanks so much and let me know if you need any additional materials or info.


Kim Orr
Web Producer
Office of Communications and Education
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory


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