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» GEIPAN : missions, méthodes et résultats
Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" Empty08/11/24, 05:47 pm par Patrice

» PAN A - PIAN-MEDOC (LE) (33) 18.06.2019
Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" Empty07/11/24, 01:06 am par marcassite

» Analyse du cas Júlio Guerra / Ota / Alenquer du 2 novembre 1982 - "Encerclé par un OVNI"
Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" Empty04/11/24, 06:39 pm par PhD Smith

» Les balivernes de Luis Elizondo (again…)
Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" Empty31/10/24, 11:17 am par klingon

» "Les Georgia Guidestones" ("Stonehenge américain") sont détruites.
Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" Empty25/10/24, 12:03 am par PhD Smith

» Moteur d'alcubierre nouvelle étude juin 2024
Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" Empty22/10/24, 11:33 pm par klingon

» Signal radio BLC-1 provenant de Proxima Centauri
Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" Empty14/10/24, 10:05 pm par PhD Smith

» Le « syndrome de La Havane » n’existe pas
Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" Empty12/10/24, 03:05 pm par Armand Cadi

» Alerte aux aurores
Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" Empty11/10/24, 06:53 pm par PhD Smith

» Interview en toute décontraction ici :
Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" Empty11/10/24, 06:51 pm par PhD Smith

» The Voynich Manuscript: The World's most Enigmatic Book from a Skeptical Perspective - Elonka Dunin and Klaus Schmeh
Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" Empty03/10/24, 11:44 am par oncle dom

» Les PAN D du Geipan
Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" Empty28/09/24, 02:05 am par marcassite

» Luis Elizondo – The Daily Show (Traduction complète et commentaires
Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" Empty22/09/24, 10:43 pm par klingon

» Reconstitution de la machine d'Anticythère
Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" Empty21/09/24, 10:51 pm par PhD Smith

» Glozel a 100 ans en 2024.
Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" Empty16/09/24, 05:39 pm par DAR

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Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement"

oncle dom
6 participants

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Direct à 16:00.

Le Sous-comité de la sécurité nationale, des frontière et des affaires étrangères tiendra une audience intitulée "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement".


The Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs will hold a hearing titled “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Implications on National Security, Public Safety, and Government Transparency.”


112  000 visionnages en cours à 17:17 !

Dernière édition par nablator le 21/08/23, 09:04 pm, édité 2 fois




102 000 personnes qui suivent. Dinguerie !



C'était long, beaucoup de répétitions de ce qui a déjà été publié dans la presse. Grusch a promis d'en dire plus en comité restreint et dûment autorisé.

Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" 43706

On n'aura la véritable Divulgation™ que si ses allégations de seconde main sont un jour confirmées par le Congrès ou le DoD.
ziti en bocal Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" 827990 ovni triangle

Dernière édition par nablator le 26/07/23, 08:00 pm, édité 2 fois


oncle dom

oncle dom

nablator a écrit:112  000 visionnages en cours à 17:17 !
141k à 18H 30.

Mais je n'arrive pas à le télécharger.




OncleDom a écrit:141k à 18H 30.
Les visionnages "en cours" ont culminé à 112 000.

Mais je n'arrive pas à le télécharger.
Il faut attendre.

EDIT: ça y est, c'est téléchargeable.

Dernière édition par nablator le 26/07/23, 07:47 pm, édité 1 fois




J'ai regardé le stream. Grusch participe à une audience publique mais ne peut rien dire en public, c'est ballot. Quant aux commissaires, je les ai trouvé hyper complaisants, voire convaincus (il ne leur faut pas grand chose). On assiste gentiment à la naissance d'une religion. Plus j'observe ce qui ce passe aux EU en ce moment, plus j'en apprends sur les débuts de l'ère chrétienne.



Envie-pressante: Rep. Burlison (Missouri) n'était absolument pas convaincu. Il a tenté d'introduire quelques doutes, assez maladroitement.




nablator a écrit:Envie-pressante: Rep. Burlison (Missouri) n'était absolument pas convaincu. Il a tenté d'introduire quelques doutes, assez maladroitement.

Oui exact, le type un peu rond avec la chemise. Il s'est même présenté comme sceptique je crois... ce qui a eu pour vertu de réveiller un peu notre "lanceur d'alerte". En réalité, je crois qu'il aurait fallu lui rentrer dedans (cordialement bien sûr) pour le faire sortir de sa réserve. Là il jouait pour ainsi dire à domicile avec la possibilité de faire durer le suspense (son seul atout). Et c'est ce qu'il s'est passé...

nablator aime ce message



Les questions/réponses Burlinson-Grusch : https://twitter.com/RepEricBurlison/status/1684234380162596865
1er extrait : répondant à une question sur les activités des Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" 827990 qui ont causé du tort à des êtres humains, Grusch a dit qu'il a été témoin, avec sa femme, de quelque chose de très dérangeant. Shocked

2ème extrait : les soucoupes s'écrasent parfois, comme les avions, les voitures... Puis un énorme pipeau théorique spéculatif sur le principe holographique qui serait un moyen de "traverser" (traverser quoi ?) Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" 596706390


Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" 1nyjga

Bien entouré. Smile

klingon aime ce message




nablator a écrit:Puis un énorme pipeau théorique spéculatif sur le principe holographique qui serait un moyen de "traverser" (traverser quoi ?) Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" 596706390

Rigolo. J'ai pas tout écouté trop de job. Mais je vais faire un transcript car pas tout compris.

Suis super booké, pas avant samedi.



klingon a écrit:Mais je vais faire un transcript car pas tout compris.
Il n'y en a pas encore sur le site du Congrès :

Il y a un résumé ici : https://thedebrief.org/whistleblowers-testify-under-oath-regarding-craft-of-non-human-origin-and-military-encounters-with-uap/

Et une transcription automatisée là : https://www.c-span.org/video/?529499-1/hearing-unidentified-anomalous-phenomena-uap

Il doit y avoir pas mal de corrections à faire et environ 25 000 mots, c'est beaucoup...

Pas sûr que l'ensemble de la transcription soit publiée.

Il y a seulement quelques bouts pour l'instant :

Opening statements:


klingon aime ce message




J'ai corrigé les quelques erreurs de la transcription automatique, supprimé quelques hésitations, mis xxx pour les mots incompréhensibles et modifié la ponctuation.

D'abord, les déclarations préliminaires avant les déclarations pré-enregistrées (déjà publiées en PDF) des trois témoins :

Chairman Grothman:
The subcommittee hearing on unidentified anomalous phenomena or UAPs will come to order. Welcome everyone. Without objection, the chair may declare a recess at any time. Additionally, without objection, the following members are waived on to the subcommittee for the purpose of participating in today's hearing: Mr Burchett of Tennessee, Ms Luna of Florida, Mr Getz of Florida, Mr Burleson of Missouri, Mrs Ocasio-Cortez in New York and Mr Ogles of Tennessee. Without objection so ordered, for today's subcommittee hearing, both the chair and ranking member will have 10 minutes for opening remarks. We may both be giving some of those minutes uh to other members of our party. I'm not going to recognize myself for 10 minutes. I'm actually gonna try to get out of here in about four and then we'll give it to some of my friends over here. Good morning and welcome to the most exciting subcommittee in Congress this week, the subcommittee on national security at the border and foreign affairs for discussion of unidentified anomalous phenomena. I'd like to thank the brave military pilots and personnel, such as the witnesses on the panel today, for sharing their stories on how they have engaged UAPs, which has brought attention to this matter. Curiosity and speculation from all walks of life have generated interest in studying what UAPs are and what threats they may pose. I will say that when I was younger in school, I read a book, a 1966 book called Flying Saucers Serious Business. And for a while when I was a little bit younger, I thought it was the most important issue out there. The lack of transparency regarding UAPs, which was one of the themes of that book. In any event, it's led interest in studying what UAPs are and what threats they pose. The lack of transparency regarding UAPs has fueled wild speculation and debate for decades, eroding public trust in the very institutions that are meant to serve and protect them as is evidenced by the large number of people we have here. I also want to point out: in 1966 President Gerald Ford claimed to have seen a UFO, and in 1969 in Georgia, Jimmy Carter claimed to have seen a UFO. So this has led congress to establish entities to examine UAPs, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2022 establish the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office or AARO to conduct or to coordinate efforts across the Department of Defense and other federal agencies to detect, identify and investigate UAPs. However, AARO's budget remains classified, prohibiting meaningful oversight from Congress. In addition to AARO's efforts, NASA is leading an independent study on UAP that will identify how UAP data is gathered from both civilian and government entities, that can be analyzed to shed light on the topic. However, despite these offices being established, there lies a pressing demand for government transparency and accountability that cannot be overlooked, and that's been a problem that's been around for 50 years. The Biden administration handling of the Chinese spy balloon that violated US air space is one example of the government is not prepared for these. The Biden administration's description of events has shown that the government continues not to be forthright between the Chinese balloon being shot down and two UAPs subsequently shot down following the event. Earlier this year, the US government spent $1.5 million in taxpayer dollars on missiles. Yet we have seen little clarity from the Biden administration. We must demand transparency from the Department of Defense, our intelligence community and our defense industry on UAP work. We're going to ask some questions about that today. Congress recognizes the subject of UAPs is multifaceted and requires a careful data driven approach. Today, we will see clarity from these witnesses testimonies. We will seek clarity as to what can be done to improve reporting for military and civilians and remain committed to objective inquiry. Congress should work to ensure that knowledge is not driven by fear. Today, we are not just debating the existence of UAPs, we are deliberating on the principles that define our Republic, which is a commitment to transparency and accountability. I look forward to hearing from our witnesses today, about ways we can improve government efficiency and openness, when it comes to UAPs. Thank each of you for your presence here today and for your dedication to safeguarding the interests of the American people. I look forward to your testimony and I'm going to turn it over for 2.5 or three minutes to Representative Burchett from Tennessee.

Thank you, Mr Chairman, thank you all for being here. I wanna thank everybody for making this happen today and I wanna remind everybody this is a nonpartisan issue. This has nothing to do with party politics. I think the cover up goes a lot deeper than that. I also want to thank my colleagues. Representative Anna Paulina Luna sitting beside me here, Jared Moskowitz, my friend across the aisle has an incredible mind and I'm anxious to hear his questions, my buddy Eric Burleson. And it's not in my notes here but Matt Gates, if it hadn't been for Matt Gates, myself, him and Luna would still be down at Eglin Air Force Base trying to get some answers. He's got an incredible legal mind. Also, I know I saw in the crowd there George Knapp, my buddy Jeremy Corbell. They're not witnesses but they've provided some statements on this subject and I seek unanimous consent to enter those statements into the record, Mr Chairman.

Without objection.

Also I would like to enter in: I understand now that this is unclassified and it's public record, but as we all know, that's sometimes difficult for the public to get a hold of a report: Defense intelligence, reference documents, advanced space propulsion based on vacuum, spacetime metric engineering, some light reading for some of our members.

Without objection.

Thank you. You know, Mr Knapp wrote since 1969 the position our military has been that UFOs pose no threat to national security and are not worthy of further study. I'd say that's the biggest understatement of the decade. He also goes on to talk about the dismissive attitude and at said odds with what was revealed in documents, reports and internal memos. And Mr Corbell says, as he writes these words, the UFO is emerging as a major topic of global importance. I can state that as a fact, out there, I met a fellow who came in there all the way from Denmark to be here for this, this meeting. So this is huge, this is worldwide. I think we suspect what's going on. But I'd also like to thank the members of Congress who have supported our efforts to make this hearing happen. Some have even confided to me that they've had UFO sightings of their own. Those members, of course, some of them wish to remain anonymous and I'll keep it that way. But also finally, I like to thank that these three brave witnesses here. They took an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States and dadgummit, they're doing it and we owe them a debt of gratitude. Y'all quit clapping. You're cutting in on my time. Just kidding. These folks, they've got nothing to gain from this. And I think you're gonna find out that they've endured quite a few slings and arrows. We need to remember them in our prayers and their families. And I'm thankful to them for their honest testimonies. They have done interviews and appeared in documentaries like Accidental Truth to get their stories out there, and now they are all here to testify under oath for Congress. It's been so difficult to get here today. I said, you know, in the Baptist church, we'd say that the devil's in our way and the devil has been in our way through this thing. We've run into roadblocks from members, from the intelligence community, the Pentagon. I proposed legislation to go in the FAA, re-authorization that just said: if an airline pilot has a siting that when he makes that report to the FAA, that it would come to Congress, but I was told that the intelligence community did not like that and the bill was an amendment, was not even heard in committee. I think it's time for this country to take back our country. We need to tell the folks at the Pentagon: they work for us, dadgummit, we don't work for them. And that's exactly the point. This is an issue of government transparency. We can't trust a government that does not trust its people. We're not bringing little green men or flying saucers into the hearing. Sorry to disappoint about half y'all. We're just gonna get to the facts. We're gonna uncover the cover up and I hope this is just the beginning of many more hearings and more people coming forward about this and I yield back the remainder of my time. I think is it to represent Luna, Mr Chairman or?

Yeah, we'll, we'll call Ms Luna for her statement.

The circumstances surrounding us has captivated the intention of the American people for decades. Ingrained in even the minds of our nation's leaders from Jimmy Carter to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, to Chuck Schumer John Radcliffe to National Security Council officials. Yet from Roswell, New Mexico to the coast of Jacksonville, Florida, the sightings of us have rarely been explained by the people who have first hand accounts of these situations. This is largely due to the lack of transparency by our own government and the failure of our elected leaders to make good on their promises to release explanations and footage and mountains of over classified documents that continue to be hidden from the American people. This isn't just how I feel. In fact, the American people largely believe that the government has actively covered up the truth about UAPs. One poll in particular found that 68% of Americans believe that the government is hiding information about UAPs and not being honest about what we know about them. And from my personal experience, I believe the same thing. Another poll found that nearly half of Americans believe that the federal government is doing a very bad or somewhat bad job of dealing with reports of UFO sightings. As Representative Burchett just referenced on the FAA bill that just went through. You can tell that that's exactly happening. Considering the thousands of testimonies and videos taken on people's phones and eyewitnesses accounts made by credible witnesses such as doctors, pilots, scientists, and active duty service members, it is unacceptable to continue to gaslight Americans into thinking that this is not happening or that the potential of intelligent life forms exists other than humans. Even more alarming is the fact that these eyewitnesses are many of times service members and have no assurance that their lives will not be negatively impacted or even harmed by their experiences. In being an active duty service member working on an airfield, I've had conversations with many pilots where they were in fear of coming forward for retribution and or being taken off flight status. How do we know this? Because the government has said nothing to assure us otherwise, they have also done nothing to calm the concerns of over 20% of Americans who have reported to have seen UFOs, or UAPs. We are simply told not to question the government and that the government has it under control. Today is the first hearing of its kind, where we will attempt to get down to the bottom of what is actually happening with UAPs. But we will hear from people who have had personal sightings rather than Pentagon bureaucrats, who have always been sent to stonewall investigations. Just so that the press knows and the people know we were even denied access to a classified briefing in a SCIF prior to this hearing due the amount of hoops that we had to jump through, to grant temporary clearance to witness Grusch, who has knowledge of classified information. It is time to have an open minded discussion on this topic, to hear the evidence and understand the magnitude of what this means, not just for our nation but for humanity. Thank you, Chairman. I yield back the rest of my time.

Thank you very much, and I'd like to thank you and Mr Burchett for bringing this topic to my attention. Now we'll recognize national security subcommittee, ranking member Garcia for 10 minutes.

Well, Thank you Mr Chairman and I want to thank first our witnesses for joining us today. I want to begin by thanking you all for your service to our country and for sharing your voices uh today and your courage to be here as well. To Mr Graves, particularly grateful to you to spend some time, that we had, for you to share with candor some of your experiences. So I appreciate that as well. I do want to thank all the members of our subcommittee today and also those that are here and have waved on for their incredible interest in this issue, particularly to Congressman Burchett. I know that your leadership has brought us to this place today, and I want to thank you for that as well as everyone else that's been engaged in this work. I also want to thank the oversight staff who I know has been working very hard to ensure that today's hearing is serious, that it's transparent and that it also provides appropriate answers as our oversight body always demands. Now, it's really important that we're here in a bipartisan way, to have this conversation, which really to the heart of it is about national security and key to the subcommittee's core purpose. This is the subcommittee on National Security of the Oversight Committee. Now, our witnesses will testify today that UAPs have posed a serious safety threat and we must understand this. More broadly, we're dealing with real questions that get to the heart of our faith in government, faith in our institutions, as we all know, is at an all time low. Partisanship and alternative facts make it too easy to doubt narrative or our institutions. But this hearing will offer the public unique perspectives building on years of reporting by both federal agencies and the independent media. Now, some of the earliest reporting on this issue was a groundbreaking 2017 New York Times report which revealed research, as we know now, on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena or, as many call UFOs, by the defense Intelligence agency. Mr Graves and Commander Fravor's experiences with UAPs have also been documented by the public, not just by the New York Times, but CNN and many other national news outlets. Now, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence has published public reports documenting UAPs, and on June 9th, 2022 NASA announced that the agency is commissioning a study to, of course, examine Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena. Now, the sheer number of reports, whistleblowers and stories of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena should raise real questions and warrant investigation and oversight, and that's why we are here today. Now, pilots have reported encounters for years. Because of the stigma around reporting these incidents, we still don't have a complete picture of actually what's going on, particularly, as our witnesses will testify, on the civilian side. And that is a real problem that we have today in the country. Now, it's very important that we show that Democrats and Republicans in Congress can come together in a bipartisan way, to cut through misinformation and to look at the facts in a serious and thoughtful manner. If we are to advance oversight and public disclosure, we must also gain the broad support of the public. We will succeed getting facts out to the public faster, if there is a broad public support as part of the process. Now, I understand fully, the Department of Defense is hesitant to share information that could also undermine our national security by revealing information on the capabilities of our own aircraft, our sensors and other sensitive material. At the same time, many people believe that we are withholding information from them and that is dangerous also. I believe in openness and transparency, that is also the role of Congress. And I want to trust that the American people will be able to weigh the evidence and make up their own minds. Now, we have incidents when sensors, sometimes even multiple types of sensors detect things that we cannot explain. UAPs, whatever they may be, may pose a serious threat to our military or civilian aircraft. And that must be understood. Now, my career in training as a long time and career educator and teacher and researcher tell me that we should never rule anything out. We know that our space of course is vast and undiscovered. I also want to note that Mr Sean Kirkpatrick, Director of the All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, the component of the DoD office that investigates UAP data has testified before the Senate this year that his unit has found no evidence of extraterrestrial activity. NASA has also stated they don't have evidence of extraterrestrial life either. And we've heard this, of course, from some of our government agencies and we should remind viewers and witnesses, which I think is really important that we also cannot share classified information in public settings. But questions of course remain that people want to see data and information for themselves. The enormous interest in the hearing today underscores the importance of a fair and open look at the evidence, from witnesses who can share their unique perspectives. Now, I know, I certainly have a lot of questions and I know that all the members of our committee do as well. We should come to this hearing with an open mind and we should not let our existing ideas restrict us on either side. I hear over and over from many agencies, the stigma around reporting and investigating UAPs prevents us from getting real answers. We know that whistleblowers have reported harassment, intimidation or stigma as well. And this is not acceptable. If people can't report incidents which would have national security or safety implications, then that also has serious consequences for us. As a ranking member of the subcommittee, I know it's my job would be completely impossible if whistleblowers or others feel intimidated to come before this committee. We can't be afraid of asking questions and we can't be afraid of the truth. I'm proud to say that, that this hearing builds upon bipartisan work by members of the House and Senate dating many years back, which has sought to increase awareness within the Department of Defense and to mandate more of Congress of UAPs. We know the Senate is taking up an amendment to the defense authorization bill which will create a commission with broad declassification authority. And we can all agree that that is an important step. Members of both parties and senior officials in multiple administrations have taken an interest in this issue and we're proud to carry and build that confidence in the American people. This hearing will also not be the end of the discussion but a new chapter in start to years and years of work that many folks both in both in the public and within government have been working on. We should encourage more reporting, not less, on UAPs. The more we understand the safer we will be. We will hear testimony from witnesses today with a long record of service to the American people and with subject matter expertise, our witnesses have a unique opportunity to share the perspective, insights and their experiences with the American people. And I encourage all of my colleagues to engage with these difficult questions with an open mind and to follow the facts on behalf of our country. I also just want to say more broadly that we should look at this hearing and believe that everything is on the table as it relates to UAP. I think an open mind is absolutely the best. I want to yield the the 2.5 minutes of the remainder of my time to the representative from Florida, Representative Moskovitz for an opening statement. He also has been very much engaged in this issue and I want to thank him for his leadership. Congressman.

Thank you, ranking member Garcia. Thank you, Mr Chairman. I want to thank Tim Burchett and Anna Paulina Luna for their leadership in pushing this hearing forward. I want to thank obviously, committee staff and their staff working on this on a bipartisan basis because many Americans are deeply interested in this issue and it shouldn't take the potential of nonhuman origin to bring us together. Additionally, I want to thank the witnesses for coming forward to share your perspectives, your thoughts and the sightings of UAPs. Unlike other hearings, many times in Congress, you're not here to help a political party, but you're here to share information with the American people. And it's not something that is just going on in this administration. It's something that's spanned many administrations. For decades, many Americans have been fascinated by objects mysterious and unexplained and it's long past time that they got some answers. The American public has a right to learn about technologies of unknown origins, non-human intelligence and unexplainable phenomena. Those are not the words of a UFO Twitter account though, that is a direct quote from majority leader Chuck Schumer, that the American public has a right to learn about technologies of unknown origins, non-human intelligence and unexplainable phenomena. In an interview with Fox News, recent former Director of National Intelligence, John Radcliffe confirmed the US government is aware a lot more sightings of UAPs and that they have not made that information public. I quote: "There are a lot more sightings that have not been made public," Radcliffe said to Fox News. For me, this hearing is about transparency. We unfortunately live in a time in which many people distrust government and our institutions and overclassification of information away from the American public or even Congress contributes to today's politics. The American people have regular questions. What are UAPs? How come the media doesn't report more on them? Are they foreign adversaries? Are they US technology? Are they something else? They ask themselves: how come when a Russian jet shoots flares at one of our drones, we have perfect pictures and videos to show the American people and the world, but when it comes to us, nothing. Of course, we must always protect our national security to maintain our superiority. Like when stealth helicopters were only rumored to exist but were used in the Osama Bin Laden raid in 2011. But we can't allow that to be used as a shield to keep the American people completely in the dark from basic truths. The American people deserve to hear more about Special Access Programs. Congress has a right to know if there's any unsanctioned weapons development, satellite imagery that has not been provided to Congress. Congress created the All Domain Resolution Office in the NDAA of 2022. In its initial analysis, there are 171 uncharacteristic UAP reports, and this is the words from the report, that appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities. I believe more information is known about the 171 instances. It's time for Congress to reinsert ourselves. I call on our military leaders and intelligence officials to release more information to the American people about UAPs and to our military leaders. If there's nothing to conceal, let Congress go to Wright Patterson Air Force Base, the Dugway proving ground or even Groom Lake in Nevada, we should have disclosure today. We should have disclosure tomorrow. The time has come. Thank you, ranking member.

Thank you, Mr Moskovic. And I will yield back now to our chairman.

Thank you. Right now. I'd like to introduce our witnesses. Our first witness is Lieutenant Ryan Graves. He's the executive director of Americans for Safe Aerospace. Lieutenant Graves is also a former US Navy F-18 pilot with his own UAP experience. The next witness, David Grusch is a former senior intelligence officer with the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and was a senior technical advisor for UAP issues. And finally retired Navy commander commander David Fravor, squadron leader who worked as a naval aviator for 18 years. Mr Faver has his own UAP experience known as the tic tac event. I look forward to hearing from all three of you today. Pursuant to committee rule 9G, the witnesses will please stand and raise their right hands. Do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give us is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Let the record show that all the witnesses answered in the affirmative. You may be seated. We appreciate you all being here today and look forward to your testimony. I'll remind the witnesses that we have read your written statements and they will appear in full in the hearing record. Please try to limit your oral statements to five minutes. As a reminder. Please press the button on the microphone in front of you so that it's on and the members can hear you when you begin to speak. The light in front of you will turn green. After four minutes, it will turn yellow, and the red light when that comes out, tells you your five minutes have expired. I'll now recognize Mr Graves for five minutes for your opening statement.

Dernière édition par nablator le 27/07/23, 06:49 pm, édité 4 fois

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nablator a écrit:J'ai corrigé la erreurs de la transcription automatique, supprimé quelques hésitations, mis xxx pour les mots incompréhensibles et modifié la ponctuation.

Je suis en train d'essayer de mattaquer aux question vers la fin

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klingon a écrit:
Je suis en train d'essayer de mattaquer aux question vers la fin

Je continue un peu et je te laisse finir. Smile

Thank you very much. I know it's very difficult for all of you who've xxx in the past to try to illuminate this issue. I'll call myself first for some questions. I'm gonna start with Mr Graves. Are pilots that you interact with as part of your organization, do you feel, adequately trained and briefed on how to handle encounters with UAPs?

No, right now, military witnesses to UAP have limited options for reporting UAP. But more concerning is that [the] commercial aviation sector has not adapted to the lessons that the military has implemented. The military and Department of Defense has stated that UAP represent a critical aviation safety risk. We have not seen that, that same, language being used in the commercial markets. They are not acknowledging this risk.

Ok. What steps do you think you have to be taken to improve a pilot's UAP reporting, be it military or commercial?

Right now, we need a system where pilots can report without fear of losing their jobs. There is a fear that the stigma associated with this topic is going to lead to professional repercussions either through management or perhaps through their yearly physical check. So having a secure system reducing the stigma and making this available, this information available through the public is going to reduce the concerns that air crew have.

Could you just give me a little idea [of] the degree to which reports in the past are not made public right now?

Well, I don't think there has been a proper reporting system to gather those reports and thus not report them. So to answer your question, I think there is a dearth of data due to the fact that the reporting has been limited up to this time.

Could you tell me why you believe it's - to play the devil's advocate - a reason why some of this stuff should not be available to the public?

There's certainly some national security concerns when we use our advanced sensors in our tactical jets to be able to identify these objects. However, there's no reason that the objects themselves would be classified. I would be curious to see how the security classification guideline actually spells out the different nuances of how this topic is classified from the perspective of UAP, not national security.

I'll give you a follow up on that. Assuming that there are reasons why not all this should be made public. This has been around for a long period of time. Can you think of, can any of the three of you think of any reason why anything related to UAPs say 15 years and back should not be immediately made public?

I think one of it is acknowledging a vulnerability, both from a collection and I'll just say a, you know, countermeasure perspective. So it's, now we haven't cracked for many years.

Even say 20 years back, is there any reason why when you go back that far, things shouldn't be made public?

Unless it shows a specific national security vulnerability, as it relates to weakness in a particular defense system.

Ok. Mr Fravor the tic tac incident that you were engaged occurred in 2004. What kind of reporting took place after that incident?

None. We had a standard debrief where the back seaters went down to our carrier intel center and brief what had happened and that was it. No one else talked to us and I was in the top 20 in the battle group. No one came, that captain was aware, the admiral was aware, nothing was done.

Did your commanding officers provide any sort of justification?

No, because I was the commanding officer of the squadron. So no.

Was this incident the only UAP event that you encountered while you were a pilot?

Yes, it was.

Ok. This is for any one of you. Based off of each of your experiences and observations, do you believe UAPs pose a potential threat to our national security?

Yes. And here's why. The technology that we faced was far superior than anything that we had, and you could put that anywhere if you had one, you captured one, you reverse engineered it, you got it to work. You're talking, something can go into space, go someplace, drop down in a matter of seconds, do whatever it wants and leave. And there's nothing we can do about it. Nothing.

I would also like to add from commercial aviation and military aviation perspective, we deal with uncertainty in our operating space as a matter of our professional actions, identifying friend from foe is very important to us. So when we have unidentified targets and we continue to ignore those due to a stigma or fear of what it could be, that's an opening that our adversaries can take advantage of.

What steps should be taken to better understand and respond to UAP encounters in the interest of national security?

There needs to be a location where this information is centralized for processing and there needs to be a two way communication loop, so the operators on the front end have a feedback and can can get best practices on how to process information, what to do and to ensure that their reporting is being listened to. Right now, there isn't a lot of back and forth.

Mr Grusch, in your complaint to the intelligence community inspector, Inspector General, you claim that you believe information is being hidden. What kind of information do you think was hidden and do you think it should remain hidden?

Yes, I can speak to that very briefly in an unclassified manner, as you know, the preponderance of my complaint was classified to the intelligence communities, both material acquisition and exploitation activity. Also, baselining the UAPs but not sharing it with, you know, intelligence professionals that are actually doing step briefs the pilots, that that kind of information. Yeah.

OK. Thank you very much. Now, we'll go to Mr Garcia.

Thank you. Again, thank you all for your, for your service and for testifying today. I wanna just talk about the UAPs as it relates to what we're seeing in the pilots interaction with UAPs. Particularly Mr Graves. One of the concerns for members of this committee is this idea that [for] pilots, there's no system to actually report UAPs and the stigma around pilots. Could you, just briefly, you mentioned that you are working with 30 pilots right now that have had encounters with UAPs, but you've also, I believe, discussed and know of many more pilots. This is just those that you're currently working with. Is that correct? Can you expand on that?

Certainly, I'll break that down in two ways. First, when we were first experiencing these objects off the eastern seaboard in the 2014 to 2015 time period, anyone that had upgraded their radar systems were seeing these objects. So there was a large number of my colleagues that were detecting these objects off the eastern seaboard. They were further correlating that information with the other onboard sensors and many of them also had their own eye sightings as well of these objects. Now, that was our personal first hand experience at the time. Since then, as I've engaged this topic, others have reached out to me, they shared their experiences both on the military side, as well as the commercial aviation side. On the military aviation side, veterans that have recently got out, have shared their stories and have expressed how the objects we were seeing in 2014, 2015 continued all the way to 2019, 2020 beyond. And so it became a generational issue for naval aviators on the eastern seaboard. This was something we are briefing to new students. This is something that was included in the notice to airmen to ensure that there was no accidents. And now, with commercial aviators, they are reaching out because they're having somewhat similar experiences as our military brothers and sisters. But they do not have any reporting system that they can send this to.

And let me just add and both to, to Mr Fravor as well as Mr Graves, not having the system for reporting, would you both agree that it's harmful to, not just in our national security interest but to understand this phenomenon, of what's happening with UAPs?

I think it's actually, it's a travesty that we don't have a system to correlate this and actually investigate. You know. So if you took the east coast, you know, there's coastal radars out there that monitor our air defense identification zone. So out to 200 miles, they can track these, you know, so when you see them, they can actually go and pull that data and get maneuvering. And instead of just having the airplanes, there's other data sources out there and I've talked to other government officials on this. So you need a centrally located repository that these reports go to. So if you just stuck it in DoD, you wouldn't get anything out of the intelligence committee because they have a tendency not to talk. But if you had a central location where these reports would come in, not just military but also commercial aviation because there's a lot of that going on, especially if you talk to anyone that flies from here to Hawaii, over the Pacific, they see odd lights. So I think you need to develop something that allows you a central point to collect the data in order to investigate.

I would concur with everything Mr Fravor said, I'll continue to say that the commercial pilots that have reached out to me through Americans for Safe Aerospace are doing so because they don't feel there's another way for them to report this safety issue.

And I think one of the clear outcomes of this hearing already is that there has to be a safe and transparent reporting process for pilots, both on the commercial side and the military side to be able to report UAPs in a way that's also transparent but also understands the scope of our national security interests and what may be classified or not. But I think there has to be some sort of system. And so that's something that I hope can be an outcome that this committee can work on. Is there anything else for the two of you, briefly, beyond this reporting system that you think that we can do with the government to encourage and facilitate more civilian reporting?

We are doing it right now? I think this hearing is going to show the American people that their government takes this topic seriously.

And how about civilians? They may not be pilots, what kind of process could be in place for civilians who are not pilots, who may have UAP encounters? Do either of you have any suggestions that could facilitate that?

My recommendations would be to make that a sensor-centric operation, in order to make it as objective as possible.

Ok, sir, Mr Favor?

I agree with Mr Graves on that.

Ok. Just, briefly, I also just want to note, particularly for the two pilots, and I have a question for Mr Grush. One of the things that I found fascinating in our discussion, Mr Graves, last night as well is that you've both described UAPs and formations and the way they are observed in space or, in our air and the way that they move is essentially, ways in which current technology or aircraft that we know of are unable to actually function or move. And so will you just for the public record again, once, once again, just briefly, either describe or note that aircraft that are being witnessed, particularly by the 30 folks that you're working with are essentially outside the scope of anything that we know of today and the technology we have today, Mr Graves, Mr Fravor?

Yes, the objects that are being seen by commercial pilots are performing maneuvers that are unexplainable due to our current understanding of our technology and our capabilities as a country and that applies for the military as well.

Yeah, I concur with that, we have nothing that can stop in midair and go the other direction. Nor do we have anything that can like in our situation, come down from space, hang out for three hours and go back up.

Thank you. My last question and, and sometimes you, I know that some of you have also said some of these answers in the past, we're trying to get them on the public record as well, which is really important. Mr Grusch, finally, do you believe that our government is in possession of UAPs?

Absolutely, based on interviewing over 40 witnesses over four years.

And, where?

I know the exact locations, and those locations were provided to the inspector general and some of which to the intelligence committees, I actually had the people with the firsthand knowledge, provide a protected disclosure to the inspector general.

Thank you. And Mr Chairman, I would just say that I think that these questions are important questions and I look forward to being involved in the process to get those answered. I know there will be a lot of questions from other committee members, so I yield back.




Thank you, Mr Chairman. Thank you Mr Garcia. I would like to have you on my legislation to do just that on the reporting. And we'll get together on that. Maybe you can be my co-sponsor on that. That'd be really cool. Thank you for those great questions. Mr Graves again, I'd like to know how do you know that these were not our aircraft?

Some of the behaviors that we saw in a working area. We would see these objects being at 0.0 Mach. That's zero air speed over certain pieces of the ground. So what that means: just like a river if you throw a bottle in, it's going to float downstream. These objects were staying completely stationary in category four hurricane winds. These same objects would then accelerate to supersonic speeds, 1.1, 1.2 Mach. And they would do so in very erratic and quick behaviors that we don't, I don't have an explanation for.

Ok. Have you spoken to commercial and military pilots, they've seen these off of our east coast.

I have.

Ok. Mr Fravor, I noticed that, in the tic tac video, it's tic tac like the candy, not TikTok, like the Chinese communist app. That correct? I just wanna make that because my daughter corrected me on that and called me a Boomer and said, hey Boomer and I said, no baby, it's tic tac like the candy. You're gonna have to just look it up. And, but now I would like to like to say today is a day of many firsts. It's a miracle that we're having this meeting and it's also a miracle that my wife has put up with me for nine years today. Today is my anniversary. So I want to tell my wife happy anniversary and that I love her very much. As she likes to say these nine years have been the best two years of her life. So thank you. Mr Fravor. What astonished you the most about the flight capabilities of this tic tac, very briefly.

The performance, absolute performance.

And you're not aware of any other objects that anybody in the world has, that has those capabilities?

No, I think it's far beyond actually our material science that we currently possess.

Are you aware of any other reconnaissance platforms that have tracked or recorded the tic tac maneuvers, maybe the NORAD system or any of the others?

I am not.

Ok, Mr Grusch. Thank you for being here, brother. Thank you all very much. Have you faced any retaliation or reprisals for any of your testimony or anything on these lines?

Yeah. Uh I have to be careful what I say in detail because there is an open whistleblower reprisal investigation on my behalf and I don't want to compromise that investigation by providing anything that may help provide somebody information, but it was very brutal and very unfortunate. Some of the tactics they used hurt me both professionally and personally, to be quite frank.

It's very unfortunate as I say, when you're over the target, that's when they do the most firing at you. Do you have any personal knowledge of people have been harmed or injured in efforts to cover up or conceal this extraterrestrial technology?

Yes, personally.

xxx(Have?) anyone been murdered that you know of, or have heard of?

I guess I have to be careful asking that question. I directed people with that knowledge to the appropriate authorities.

Maybe, if we could get in a confidential area SCIF, we could talk about that. But unfortunately, we were denied access to the SCIF and that's very unfortunate in this scenario. Mr Fravor, do you believe that you witnessed an additional object under the water in relation to your encounter?

I will say we did not see an object, there was something there to cause the white water and when we turned around, it was gone. So there was something there that obviously moved.

Ok. It was, it was not the same object though that you were looking at, correct?

No, we actually joked that the tic tac was communicating with something, when we came back and because the white water disappeared.

We were, in another instance, we were told about the capabilities of a jamming during viewing of some, when there were some people chasing some of these objects. Did you experience any of that jamming or interrupting your radar or weapons system?

My crew that launched after we landed experienced significant jamming to the APG-73 radar, which was what we had on board, which is a mechanically scanned very high-end system prior to the APG-79. And yes, it did pretty much everything you could do: range, velocity, aspect and then it xxx[keeps?] the lock and the targeting pod is passive, that's why we were able to get the video on.

I'm about to run out of time. But, are you aware of any of our enemies that have that capability?


Ok. I would also like to note for the record that, like George Knapp breaking Area 51, he's the reason I knew about that and the reason I know about the tic tacs is Leslie Kean, from New York Times article and I would encourage everybody to read that. Thank you, Mr Chairman. Yield back to you in no time.

Dernière édition par nablator le 28/07/23, 09:42 am, édité 8 fois








Il y a une transcription complète ici (la qualité semble un peu meilleure que sur l'autre site) :




nablator a écrit:Il y a une transcription complète ici (la qualité semble un peu meilleure que sur l'autre site) :

Je suis en train de faire mon propre transcript.

Mais là j'en ai marre je fais un autre truc. Je vais jouer avec les ondes électromagnétiques ;>)

Voilà, fini de jouer pour le moment, trop de bruit sur les bandes basses. Cela ira mieux vers minuit.
Je continue.

Voilà donc comment je jouais ;>)


Dernière édition par klingon le 27/07/23, 10:38 pm, édité 1 fois

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David Grusch :  Je connais les lieux exacts et, et ces lieux ont été fournis à l'inspecteur général et certains d'entre eux aux comités de renseignement.
J'ai effectivement fait en sorte que les personnes ayant une connaissance directe fournissent une divulgation protégée à l'inspecteur général.
Maintenant que les congressmen ont été informés, on est à deux doigts de la guerre entre le Congrès et le DoD pour la possession des soucoupes et cadavres zitis. pale

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PhD Smith

PhD Smith

J. Colavito a fait un article sur l'audience sur le site de CNN: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/28/opinions/ufo-testimony-aliens-congress-credulous-colavito
J. Colavito en traduction automatique a écrit:En 25 ans, 11 saisons, 218 épisodes et deux films, les agents du FBI Fox Mulder et Dana Scully ont tenté de démêler une conspiration gouvernementale de proportions extraterrestres sur "The X-Files" alors qu'un État profond tout-puissant a couvert la recherche sur la matière biologique non humaine et les meurtres extraterrestres d'Américains. Comme c'est stupide de leur part, alors que dans la vraie vie, tout ce qu'il semblait prendre, c'était un lanceur d'alerte qui parlait sur une chaîne d'information par câble de deuxième niveau plus tôt cet été d'entendre les histoires de quelqu'un d'autre de pilotes d'OVNI morts pour que le Congrès tienne une audience afin d'exposer sa propre conjuration !

Mercredi, l'ancien officier de renseignement militaire et soi-disant "dénonciateur" d'ovnis David Grusch a témoigné à un sous-comité de surveillance de la Chambre qu'il avait entendu d'autres responsables anonymes dire que le gouvernement américain avait un programme secret pour récupérer et désosser les engins spatiaux non humains.

Il a été invité à témoigner par les membres de la Chambre des deux parties qui exhortent l'establishment de la défense à être plus transparent sur ses enquêtes sur des phénomènes anormaux non identifiés. Au Sénat, le leader de la majorité Chuck Schumer (D-NY) a parrainé un amendement bipartisan à la Loi sur l'autorisation de la défense nationale pour exiger la déclassification des dossiers gouvernementaux liés aux UAP.

Dans une déclaration après l'audience, le Pentagone a contesté le témoignage de Grusch et a souligné qu'il n'avait trouvé aucune preuve de programmes de soucoupes écrasés ou d'étrangers de l'espace. Nous ne pouvons pas exclure complètement la possibilité que Grusch ait découvert quelque chose de réel. Certes, les pilotes voient des choses dans le ciel qu'ils ne comprennent pas. Il est également très probable que le Pentagone ne soit pas complètement transparent sur tous ses programmes aérospatiaux avancés. Le problème est que les histoires de Grusch ne sont, selon toute vraisemblance, pas une preuve d'activité non humaine.

Le Congrès et les amateurs d'ovnis ont été trop disposés à accepter les rapports de témoins au visage lorsque nous savons que le témoignage de témoins oculaires n'est pas fiable. Ce problème a été aggravé par le fait qu'une grande partie de ce témoignage provient de pilotes militaires apparemment inattaquables qui sont formés pour observer les menaces aéroportées. Cette dynamique a été un problème depuis l'aube des enquêtes sur les ovnis au siècle dernier jusqu'à nos jours.

Lors de l'audience, Grusch a déclaré qu'il n'avait pas vu d'extraterrestres des ovnis récupérés lui-même, mais que "les biologistes sont venus avec certaines de ces récupérations". Il a ajouté que "l'évaluation des personnes ayant des connaissances directes sur le programme auquel j'ai parlé" sur le "programme de récupération des accidents et d'ingénierie inverse de l'UAP sur plusieurs décennies" était que de tels "biologiques" étaient "non humains".

Ces histoires circulent dans les cercles des ovnis depuis les années 1940. Des documents déclassifiés montrent que pendant la guerre froide, le gouvernement a récupéré à plusieurs reprises des articles signalés pour la première fois comme des ovnis qui étaient en fait des météores, des déchets industriels, des objets truqués et des technologies fabriquées par l'homme. Il y a donc eu des « récupérations d'accidents » - tout simplement pas de vaisseaux étrangers.

La première observation majeure d'ovnis a eu lieu en juin 1947. Un mois plus tard, la première « récupération d'accident » d'un supposé vaisseau spatial extraterrestre s'est produite. Mais le « crash » était un canular. L'armée a envoyé des officiers à Maury Island, dans l'État de Washington, pour récupérer des morceaux de déchets industriels que deux hommes prétendaient faussement être des débris d'une soucoupe volante. Une enquête gouvernementale a suivi.

Frank Scully du magazine Variety est également tombé amoureux d'un canular, publiant en 1950 un récit largement répété de la récupération par le gouvernement d'une soucoupe volante écrasée et de ses pilotes extraterrestres. Une autre enquête fédérale réelle a suivi avant que le canular, Silas Newton, ne soit identifié.

Plus important encore, ceux qui ont entrepris la première enquête militaire officielle sur les ovnis, le Project Sign de 1948, sont devenus convaincus que les extraterrestres étaient réels malgré un manque de preuves autres que les récits de première main de pilotes militaires. Selon Edward Ruppelt, l'ancien chef du Projet Blue Book, successeur de Sign, l'équipe n'a trouvé aucune preuve physique d'extraterrestres de l'espace. Mais apparemment, les extraterrestres semblaient plus logiques que les pilotes militaires héroïques et entraînés se trompaient sur ce qu'ils voyaient. Et pourtant, nous savons que les pilotes peuvent faire des erreurs et le font. Les pilotes ont chassé Vénus, et même les blips radar causés par les conditions météorologiques, les confondant avec des navires extraterrestres.

Selon le chef du bureau des ovnis du Pentagone, Sean Kirkpatrick, la plupart des ovnis signalés s'amènent à être des ballons, des ordures aéroportées, des drones et des animaux - la grande majorité, en fait. Je n'ai même pas entendu le défenseur des ovnis le plus engagé contester cela. La question des ovnis se réduit donc au minuscule reste d'inconnus. Pour la communauté des ovnis, il semble que tant qu'un seul cas reste non identifié, généralement en raison d'un manque d'informations, il y a encore de l'espoir que nous trouverons des extraterrestres.
Mais les pilotes militaires rapportent des ovnis en nombre dépassant de loin les cas non résolus, ce qui signifie qu'au moins certains pilotes croient voir des choses que l'analyse scientifique conclut qu'ils n'ont pas correctement interprétées. Nous avons observé cela en février lorsque divers ballons volant au-dessus des États-Unis ont déclenché des préoccupations en matière de sécurité nationale. Les pilotes chargés de courir après les ballons ont eu du mal à décrire leur taille, leur matériau et leurs mouvements parce qu'ils ne les reconnaissaient pas.

Depuis plusieurs années, Grusch travaille aux côtés d'un réseau de croyants aux ovnis adjacents au gouvernement (dont beaucoup travaillent maintenant pour des entrepreneurs en défense ou des groupes de réflexion sur les ovnis) qui ont été des sources d'histoires sur les soucoupes volantes et les extraterrestres morts dans les médias et dans les salles du Congrès. Vous avez peut-être vu certains d'entre eux sur des émissions d'OVNIS par câble comme "The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch", dans lequel un ancien analyste d'OVNI du Pentagone qui a fait partie du groupe de travail qui a aidé à écrire le rapport sur les ovnis 2021 du gouvernement dirige maintenant une équipe de télé-réalité à la chasse aux entités quantique Ce serait drôle, sauf que le Pentagone emploie régulièrement des croyants dans les fantômes de l'espace et que le Congrès les écoute.
Grusch a avoué sous serment ! C'est évidemment l'enthousiasme sur les listes ufologiques (dont Magonie): Grusch a avoué cheers
Comme Grusch l'a déclaré à l'audience, si Kirkpatrick l'avait écouté sur la manière d'avouer en matière de communication du Pentagone, ce serait mieux pour tous monde Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" 773374
Comme l'écrit Colavito, Grusch n'a pas répété la récupération de zitis morts, la soucoupe de Mussolini ou l'assassinat des citoyens américains par l'armée ou les zitis. Peut-être plus tard Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" 441294837

Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" BraseroPraedicator veredicus, inquisitor intrepidus, doctor egregiusAudience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" Brasero

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PhD Smith

PhD Smith

Bon, je me demandais: "Mais que fait MP sur le coup ?" En fait ils préparent une émission en "stream" (on ne dit plus "live") sur YT prévu pour le 30 juillet à 19 h. Les intervenants ne sont pas précisés :

Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" BraseroPraedicator veredicus, inquisitor intrepidus, doctor egregiusAudience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" Brasero



Analyse du comportement : rien d'anormal pour les deux pilotes. Grusch par contre : Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" 596706390

Ce qu'il pense ici, je suis prêt à le parier, c'est que quelqu'un lui a montré un croquis ou quelque chose d'un vaisseau et il pourrait associer voir un croquis avec voir un vaisseau et il ne nous dit délibérément pas la différence. Je pense que c'est peut-être ce qui se passe ici et cela a toutes les caractéristiques de ce que j'appellerais simplement une campagne... Il y a un récit très dur vendu avec cette campagne, avec le flou et la dramatisation. Il y a un style et un langage dramatique. Il y a ce que je pense être du jeu [théâtral], des expressions inauthentiques et un langage exagéré qui suggère quelque chose tout en ne disant absolument rien. Et les tentatives de revenir en arrière et de manier les mots pour éviter les questions sont tout simplement bizarres.

What he's thinking here, I'm willing to bet, is that someone showed him a sketch or something of a craft and he might associate seeing a sketch of a craft with seeing a craft and he's deliberately not telling us the difference there. I think that might be what's going on there and this has every hallmark of what I would just call a campaign... There's a very hard narrative being sold with this campaign, with the vagueness and the dramatization. There's dramatic flair and language. There's what I think is acting and inauthentic expressions and there's exaggerated language and it's just kind of pointing in a direction to suggest something while saying nothing whatsoever. And the backtracking and wordsmithing his way out of questions is just bizarre.

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nablator a écrit:

Analyse du comportement : rien d'anormal pour les deux pilotes. Grusch par contre : Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" 596706390

Grusch c'est un coucou, meilleure expression que j'ai pu trouver pour lui

Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" Grusch11

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Bonjour, tout le monde!
Pour info, la dernière production de l'ami Abrassart:

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PhD Smith

PhD Smith

L’invité de "Scepticisme scientifique" pour cet épisode est T. Rocher du CNEGU.

Audience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" BraseroPraedicator veredicus, inquisitor intrepidus, doctor egregiusAudience du Congrès le 26 juillet 2023 "Phénomènes anormaux non identifiés : implications sur la sécurité nationale, la sécurité publique et la transparence du gouvernement" Brasero

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