Gilles F. a écrit:Un épisode d'Ancient Aliens Debunked a pourtant été très récemment consacré à la démystification de cette ineptie pseudo-archéologique (que l'on trouve aussi - originellement ? - dans le livre Le Matin des Magiciens, de Louis Pauwels et Jacques Bergier).
Alors que
Le Matin des magiciens pseudo-cite le Mausala Parva (Mahabharata : livre 16, section 2) où on retrouve les éléments qui ont servi à construire un narratif "atomique" :
le texte de Kooky Strike "les explosions des armes finales décimaient des armées entières, repoussants des masses de soldats avec leurs coursiers et leurs éléphants comme s'ils étaient des brindilles" pseudo-cite le Drona Parva, peut-être ce morceau-là :
Meantime, stringing his large bow anew, Partha, that foremost of all persons conversant with arms, getting the better of his preceptor, quickly shot six hundred arrows as if he had taken and shot only one arrow. And once more he shot seven hundred other arrows, and then a thousand arrows incapable of being resisted, and ten thousand other arrows. All these slew many warriors of Drona's array. Deeply pierced with those weapons by the mighty and accomplished Partha, acquainted with all modes of warfare, many men and steeds and elephants fell down deprived of life. And car-warriors, afflicted by those shafts, fell down from their foremost of cars, deprived of horses and standards and destitute of weapons and life. And elephants fell down like summits of hills, or masses of clouds, or large houses, loosened, dispersed, or burnt down by the thunder, or by the wind, or fire. Struck with Arjuna's shafts, thousands of steeds fell down like swans on the breast of Himavat, struck down by the force of watery current. Like the Sun, that rises at the end of the Yuga, drying up with his rays, vast quantities of water, the son of Pandu, by his showers of weapons and arrows, slew a vast number of car-warriors and steeds and elephants and foot-soldiers. Then like the clouds covering the sun, the Drona-cloud, with its arrowy showers, covered the Pandava-sun, whose rays in the shape of thick showers of arrows were scorching in the battle the foremost ones among the Kurus.
Si on en fait une lecture très sélective en ignorant 95% des mots on y trouve des chutes de chevaux et d'éléphants (mais pas de cheveux, c'est un mélange avec le Mausala Parva), des comparaisons avec le Soleil, les nuages, le tonnerre, le vent et le feu (mais pas d'explosions).