Juste pour signaler la sortie du dernier SUNlite (3.1) de Tim Printy - en anglais - :
Roswell, Malmstrom, Rendlesham (un article à absolument lire, àmha...), Vague belge, Bataille de L.A.(j'ai pris
énormément de plaisir à lire cet article, plein de sources,
recontextualisant l'incident, mais nous avions développé "la même idée" sur S.O. dans le thread consacré à ce cas), Varginha, Kaikoura, Woomera, quand des parachutistes (Red Bulls) créent des ovnis toujours et encore ... Et j'en passe !
Encore un
TRÈS riche et joli numéro de SUNlite.
Incontournable pour bien commencer l'année. Mise en bouche :
Skeptics and scientists would be more than willing to accept an ET presence. They just are not willing to accept the sloppy research and wild speculation prevalent in UFOlogy as evidence for the existence of alien spaceships.
In over thirty years, not one person out of the dozens who have come forward has been prosecuted in anyway for violating any potential “security oath” associated with the Roswell “incident”!
A propos de Malmstrom :
So far, the only thing verified is that Echo had a missile shutdown. The rest of the UFO interpretation is just wild speculation based primarily on the suspect testimony by one individual, who originally could not even remember where he was or who was with him.
A propos de la bataille de L.A. :
After Pearl Harbor, it was better to overreact than not react at all.
Citant Tim Printy.
Bonne lecture.