Re: french scientist belittling you on his website
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stanton friedman ufo
À john tomlinson
Thanks much I guess. Somebody once said better to have been a has been then a never was. Sure I sat at my table in Strasbourg with Jesse Marcel Jr... I don't speak French and It makes me available to those who want to talk to me. If he is as accurate about his science as he is about my background, I would give him a failing grade. Here is something I did recently for somebody else who didn't have his facts straight:
I gather he is not aware that I worked as a nuclear physicist on the commissioning of the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station here in New Brunswick in the early 1980s? I did a report “State of the Art Survey : Commercial Utilization of Power Planet Waste Heat “ for the Canadian Electrical Association January 1985. I published a study “State of the Art Survey: Electron and Particle Beam Devices and Their Impact on Electrical Energy” January 1986 also for the Canadian Electrical Association (250 References.) I published a study for the Research Division of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation “Radon Exposure in Fredericton Area Houses and Wells” , 1988.(Radon is a radioactive gas of interest to us nuclear physicists). In June 1989 I published a report for the Innovation Centre of New Brunswick entitled “Future New Brunswick Technology Scenarios”. I gave presentations at two meetings of the European Society for Nuclear Methods in Agriculture in the 1980s in Piacenza, Italy, and Warsaw, Poland, on seed stimulation and food irradiation and also spoke at an International Meeting in Washington D.C.I should also mention that I am still a member of the American Nuclear Society and the American Physical Society and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
I am 78 years old.Most people retire in their early 60s..Has he read any of my 5 books? Does he read my monthly column in the MUFON Journal?. I always give my email address.
I leave tomorrow for a lecture in Minnesota.. 2 more the following week in Texas, then one here at a local university, and then another in Texas and one in Brazil. Obviously some people want to hear me. I still do many radio programs. Two of my books have been optioned for movies What is his problem?
Is he jealous that I have spoken at more MUFON Sumposia than anybody else and give several different lectures.
Anyway thanks for letting me know,
Most cordially,
----- Original Message -----
From: john tomlinson
To: stanton friedman ufo
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 9:33 AM
Subject: french scientist belittling you on his website
Hi stanton,
I have been checking jean-Pierre Petit's website named "ufo science" and he announces the following on this link in French:
he states in French: "On peut conclure à « un certain succès », en dépit de la médiocrité de certaines présentations, dont celle de Stanton Friedman « physicien nucléaire », véritable has been du monde ovni, conférencier cabot, et de l’anglais Nick Pope, dont la seule qualité était visiblement de manier un accent oxfordien impeccable.
J’ai suivi la conférence de Stanton Friedman, ressassant des vieilles lunes ufologiques, nous servant un numéro qu’il avait déjà servi des centaines de fois, ponctuant chacune de ses phrases, les yeux brillants, par :
- Isn’t strange ? ( Est-ce que ça n’est pas étrange ? ).
Un homme qui s’étonnait que je ne sois pas venu à cette manifestation «sans livre à vendre » et qui passa tout le temps, en dehors de sa conférence, assis derrière une table, en proposant des ouvrages en anglais, vieux de vingt ans, auxquels personne ne porta le moindre intérêt. Il passa ainsi ces deux jours derrière cette table, sans communiquer avec les présents, comme un chaland sans clients. J’ai échoué, en essayant vainement de lui parler spectroscopie, réseaux, spectres d’ovnis. Il était visible qu’il avait perdu tout contact avec la physique depuis des décennies. En fait, son statut de « physicien nucléaire » ne se fonde que sur un master datant de 1956. Dès 1978 il abandonne toute activité professionnelle pour devenir un « ufologue professionnel », statut qu’on ne peut rencontrer qu’aux USA, du fait du volume des ventes d’ouvrages et de ce qu’un conférencier peut retirer de conférences."
in short, he states that the strasbourg colloqium was a success but for your participation, real "has been" of the ufo arena, bad conferencier...I followed friedmans conference who states the same stuff over and over again finishing his phrases by a little "isnt it strange?".this man was astonished that I had come with no book for sale and whom spent his time in back of a table selling his books in english noone cared about. he spent two days like that without communicating with those present.I didnt succeed to speak with him on a scientific was evident he had lost contact with physics for a matter of fact, his "nuclear physicit" status is built on an masters degree dating from 1956.from 1978 onwards he stopped working to become a professional ufologist which is possible only in the USA thanks to the amount of books sold and speaker fees.".